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On meson spectral functions at high temperature 
and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts*f Simon Hands 5 

University of Wales Swansea 

E-mail: |g . aart s@ swan 

Seyong Kim 

Sejong University, Seoul 

skim@ sejong. ac . kr 

Jose M. Martinez Resco 

Brandon University 
E-mail: jnart inez resco jtjjbrandonu . ca 

In the high-temperature phase of QCD meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum are ex- 
pected to have a nontrivial and interesting structure. In order to provide a reference point for lattice 
studies employing e.g. the Maximal Entropy Method, we discuss several characteristics of meson 
spectral functions in the infinite-temperature limit. We report on ongoing work in quenched QCD 
with staggered fermions. 

XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 

25-30 July 2005 

Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland 

* Speaker. 

*PPARC Advanced Fellow 
§ PPARC Senior Research Fellow 

© Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. 

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On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts 

1. Spectral functions 

The recent experimental progress in the recreation of the quark gluon plasma in relativistic 
heavy ion collisions (see e.g. [|l|]) has been an important stimulus for lattice studies of spectral 
functions in the high-temperature phase of QCD. Topics discussed so far (ordered according to 
increasing difficulty) include the persistent presence of charmonium bound states above the decon- 
finement transition ^ ^J, the thermal dilepton rate [j|], and transport coefficients, such as the 
electrical conductivity [^] and the shear viscosity In spectral function calculations soft energies 
CO < T are of particular interest, since this is where one expects e.g. nonperturbative medium ef- 
fects and collective excitations, predicted by perturbative studies of hot QCD. Moreover, transport 
coefficients follow from current-current spectral functions in the limit of vanishing energy (Kubo 
relations). So far numerical results for the soft energy region in the high-temperature phase are 
rather scarce. For the dilepton rate, it was found (surprisingly) that the spectral function in 
the vector channel p v (ft),0) is consistent with zero when CO < 2T. For the electrical conductivity, 
p"(<o,0) was reconstructed at low energies ^ and a structure resembling analytical expectations 
[^] was obtained. 

However, numerically determined euclidean correlators G//(T,p) do not easily provide knowl- 
edge of spectral functions at soft energies. In fact, they are largely insensitive to details of p#(ft),p) 
in this region because the kernel K, which relates G# and pn via 

„ / \ f°° d(0 . . . . cosh[o(T-l/2r)] 
G " (T ' P)= /o 2^ K ^°»P«^ K ^)= smh{co/2T) » (I'D 

becomes independent of x for smaller energies (K(r,co) ~ 2T/co when CO <^ T). It follows in 
particular that lattice conelators are remarkably insensitive to transport coefficients [||] (see ref. 
[^] for a recent analysis reaching the same conclusion). In view of the experimental results on the 
strongly interacting QGP, suggesting e.g. a surprisingly small shear viscosity, it is important to gain 
more experience in the reconstruction of spectral functions at energies CO <T from lattice QCD. 

Good candidates for such studies are meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum p JTo|] - 
Because of the presence of the lightcone at CO = p and the nontrivial spectral weight below the 
lightcone, commonly referred to as Landau damping and due to the scattering of quarks with off- 
shell gauge bosons, they are expected to have an interesting structure at soft energies. By choosing 
the nonzero momentum p of the order of T or larger, the region below the lightcone can be made 
sufficiently large and (part of) the difficulties present for transport coefficients, inherent in the strict 
limit CO — > 0, can be circumvented. In order to provide a reference point for such calculations, we 
studied meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum in the infinite temperature limit, both in 

the continuum and on the lattice for Wilson and staggered (naive) fermions JlOfl- A similar study 
at zero momentum can be found in ref. [pi]]. Below we summarize some of our findings. In the 
outlook we report on ongoing work in quenched QCD with staggered fermions. 

2. Infinite temperature 

We consider meson spectral functions p#(/,x) = x), 7^(0,0]) at leading order in the 

loop expansion. The currents in the various channels are given by Jjj(t,x) = q(t,x)rjiq{t,x) with 


On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts 

r# = { 1 , 75 , y' 1 , 7^ 75 }■ In the continuum the one-loop integral 

-— T tr5(jffl/ J k)rH5(^ + jftj/,p + k)7°47 , (2.1) 

where 5(j£0/,k) is the fermion propagator, can be done analytically, for arbitrary external momen- 

tum p and fermion mass m. Since the outcome is rather lengthy, we refer to ref. Q10| ] for detailed 
expressions. On the lattice completely analytical results are not available, but simple expressions 
which are easily evaluated numerically can be given. In order to do so, we use a 'mixed' represen- 
tation Jl2[ ] and write the fermion propagator as 5(r,k) = 7454(1, k) +£|=i 7''S,-(T,k) + 15 M (T,k). 
For Wilson fermions, the 5(t,k) functions depend on x via sinh(f£'| 4 ) and cosh(f£k), where 
X = X — 1/2T, which makes it straightforward to arrive at the relationship ( |1.1| ), also on a finite 
lattice. The resulting spectral functions are then given by a sum over the spatial lattice momenta, 
which can be done numerically. 

For naive fermions there are a few changes, due to the time doublers. The hyperbolic functions 
are now multiplied with the staggering factors 1 ± (— 1) T /" T , such that relation ( |1.1[ ) is modified to 

G H (x,p) = 2 —K(x,(o) PH ((0,p)-(-iy^p H (o),p), (2.2) 

JO 27T L J 

where K is again the same kernel as in the continuum. The staggered partner pn is related to p# 
via the replacement T# — > f# = T^sT//. 

We now discuss several characteristics. It is expected from naive dimensional arguments that 
meson spectral functions increase with ft) 2 for large ft). This is demonstrated in fig. [I] (top), where 
we show the (pseudo)scalar spectral functions pps,s(^,p), normalized with ft) 2 , in the continuum 
and on the lattice for finite Af T = 16. In order to approximate the thermodynamic limit, N a is 
taken very large, typically ~ 2000 Jl0|]. We only show results for isotropic lattices here, results 
for anisotropic lattices can be found in ref. JTOj] . The cusps at larger energies are due to the finite 
Brillouin zone and are therefore lattice artefacts. They are located at ft) = £"k-p/2 + ^k+p/2 ~ 2£"k, 

Wilson staggered 

20 40 60 20 40 60 


Figure 1: Pseudoscalar and scalar spectral functions pps,s(ft>,p)/a) 2 (top) and charge density spectral func- 
tions p 00 (co, p)/r 2 (bottom) as a function of co/T. 


On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts 

with k = (n/a,0,0),(n/a,7t/a,0) + permutations for Wilson fermions. The maximal energy is 
determined by k = (n/a,n/a,n/a) (k= (n /2a, K /2a, 71 /2a) for staggered fermions). For Wilson 
fermions pps and ps differ, due to the presence of the Wilson mass term, while for staggered and 
continuum fermions they are degenerate for larger energies. 

Charge density spectral functions do not increase with ft) 2 , but instead reach a constant value: 
p 0() (ft),p) — > N c p 2 /6% (vector charge density) and pg°(ft),p) — > N c (p 2 + 6m 2 )/6% (axial charge 
density). Note that this is relevant for the choice of default model in the Maximal Entropy Method 
Jl3|]. For the vector charge density, this large energy behaviour follows from current conserva- 
tion. In fact, at zero momentum current conservation completely fixes the charge density spectral 
function to be p 00 (ft),0) = 2n%(o8{(o), where % is the charge susceptibility. The corresponding 
euclidean correlator is then constant, G 00 (t,0) = T%. On the lattice these expressions only hold 
when the conserved current is used, and not the local one. The continuum and lattice spectral func- 
tions p 00 are compared in fig. [j] (bottom) for nonzero p = AT. Note that the local definition is used 
here. The staggered result appears to track the continuum one up to larger energies than the one 
obtained with Wilson fermions. 

Clearly visible in fig. [j] is the lightcone is at ft) = p = AT and the spectral weight below the 
lightcone. In the (pseudo)scalar channel, a better way to view this physically interesting region is 
by normalizing pps,s(^,p) with T 2 instead of with ft) 2 . The result is shown in fig. |2] (top). The 
spectral functions increase linearly with ft) for small ft) and vanish at the lightcone. There is a gap 
when p < ft) < y p 2 + 4m 2 (higher loop corrections will fill this gap). The scalar and pseudoscalar 
spectral functions differ due to the nonzero quark mass. Again the staggered result compares better 
with the continuum one. The main lattice artefact in this region is the mismatch between the 
continuum and the lattice lightcone, which can be quite substantial. 

A very convenient way to present both the low and the high energy behaviour of spectral 
functions in one figure is to show p#(ft),p)/sinh(ft)/2r), i.e. the integrand in eq. ( |Q| ) at the 


On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts 

•--•71 m/T =3 

a— a a m/T =3 
*-»p m/T =3 
• -•71 m/T=1.2 
[>-□ o m/T =1.2 
p m/T=1.2 

48 x24 







7C m/T =3 
a--uG m/T =3 
i-ip m/T=3 
• • 71 m/T =7.2 

o m/T =7.2 
«--»p m/T=1.2 

64 x24 



Figure 3: Euclidean correlators in the pseudoscalar (tt), scalar (a) and local vector (p, averaged over 
/ = 1,2,3) channel for three values of the staggered fermion mass m (in units of the temperature) in quenched 
QCD on a lattice with T w 160 MeV (top) and T w 420 MeV (bottom). 

midpoint % = 1 /27\ This combination takes a finite value when CO — ► and vanishes exponentially 
for large O). We show pv = p" — p 00 and Pa = p l 5 ' — Pj in fig. || (bottom). The lattice artefacts 
at large CO are now exponentially suppressed, which implies that the euclidean correlator around 
T = 1/2T is not very sensitive to those. Finally, the area under the two curves is identical, which 
follows from a surprising relation ("sum rule") at this order in the loop expansion [|10|]. 

3. Outlook 

In Fig. |3| we show preliminary results from a quenched simulation with staggered lattice 


On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum 

Gert Aarts 

fermions. To facilitate comparison of hadron correlators at differing temperatures, the lattice pa- 
rameters have been chosen to reproduce temperatures both below (j3 = 6.5, 48 3 x 24) and above 
(jS = 7.192, 64 3 x 24) the deconfining temperature with the same number of temporal spacings 
N r = 24. The data shown are for zero spatial momentum; comparison of the % and a-propagators 
between the two sets, particularly for the lightest mass m/T = 0.24 (shown in red), show clear 
evidence for chiral symmetry restoration in the deconfined phase. A spectral function analysis of 
these data using the Maximal Entropy Method is in progress. 


S.K. thanks PPARC for support during his visit to Swansea in 2004/05. 


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